Wrapping up a stellar week of gaming and news, Friday is all about MMO games and the technology you love. That’s why we started the Geekly Download….because we eat and sleep games, tech and entertainment. We can’t help it! We have to tell someone!
MMO News And New Release Games
The Geekly Download has the Massive MultiPlayer Online content you crave. Whether you’re making friends in-game or playing alone, Radnor will be sharing all the new MMO titles, updates and info with you. Launch dates, development snags, new patches, studio closures and upcoming collaborations? This is the place for your up-to-the-minute info!
Tech For You!
Love gadgets and new ideas come-to-life? Fridays are technology days with Radnor. We’ve got the cool stuff, the crowdfunded winners that are now available, the stuff you love to blow your paycheck on. Get the scoop from the man that has his ear to the ground.
You’ll hear it here first!
Thank you for listening to Geekly Download!