One thing that you can almost expect at an event like E3 is technical issues. Sadly, the E3 Sony event was the one presentation to be plagued from the very start. The new venue they were presenting from came to bite them in the online video from the first minute of the event. There were great special effects and awesome stage presentations, but definite audio issues. If that wasn’t bad enough, there was constant buffering of all their announcement videos.
Some of the games dazzled us, but others failed to gain any hype even in the venue. You could see people’s faces and how bored they were at certain times. Unfortunately, Sony failed to have an announcer or hype person to drum up excitement and get people into their videos. With some titles, there was little to no information given and some games were just more footage from the previous year. Disappointing.
The one title that really surprised the crowd was none other than ‘Shadow of the Colossus’. This isn’t a re-release or a basic remaster. Instead, it’s the original concept of the game brought up into the current gent systems. This was one of the best titles on the PS2, and there is no doubt that it is a great adventure to bring to gamers who might not have played the original title when it released.
E3 Sony Presents
Monster Hunter World
God of War
Shadow of the Colossus