
Death Stranding

Combined Show: New Release Games And News, Mobile, App And Nintendo And A MMO and Tech Update– Exciting News For ‘Uncharted: The Lost Legacy’, Writer Of Popular Show To Co-Write For Hugely Successful Franchise And Pokemon GO Promo And News

I think our readers have pretty much gathered that Geekly Download has been going through a few changes, but rest assured that it’s all holiday related and there’s no cause for concern. Between today and Dec 31, more schedule changes are likely, but you can still count on Geekly Download to bring you the latest in gaming, tech and entertainment….

New Release Games And News: ‘Duke Nukem’ Rumor, ‘Death Stranding’ Speculation And How GTA V Inspired An 11 Year Old To Joyride A Canadian Highway

With Thanksgiving over, the holiday clock hits the re-set button and we march forward with new games and news for gamers everywhere! We know you love your new releases and the rumors that are bound to pop up. We’ve even got a few rumors and speculations today. First up? An upcoming ‘Duke Nukem’ tidbit that has folks buzzing! ‘Duke Nukem’…