
The Defenders

Movie News And Entertainment: ‘Stranger Things’ Season 2 Brings Two Veteran Actors Aboard, ‘The Defenders’ Just Added Another Major Character And Gal Gadot Has A Love Interest In Mind For ‘Wonder Woman 2’

It’s Tuesday and that means big box office news and info with all the movie news and rumors that we can pack into an episode! First up, a little news about a much anticipated Netflix hit, ‘Stranger Things’! ‘Stranger Things’ Just Got Even Better It’s hard to imagine ‘Stranger Things’ being any more perfect, but that doesn’t mean they can’t…

Movie News And Entertainment: A Veteran Actress Becomes A Villain In ‘The Defenders’, The Top Gear Crew Is Ready For ‘The Grand Tour’ And The Lowdown on ‘John Wick 2’

There’s so much good news today, it’s time to get excited! First up, some casting in The Defenders that will definitely be something to see. We’ve got the NYCC info here! Veteran Actress Becomes Baddie For ‘The Defenders’ Everyone loves a good villain, and when we’re talking about a classic actress with serious staying power, it’s no exception! Find out…